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  • 分类:国际官网
  • 更新日期:2021-01-18
  • 今日访问:人次
  • 累计访问:1066人次


全球红肉标准是专门为肉类行业开发的,旨在通过审核计划提供EN45011认证的标准。 该标准由丹麦农业和食品理事会,丹麦屠宰场合作社和丹麦肉类研究所共同制定。 该标准涵盖肉类和肉类产品的运输,打包,击晕,屠宰,去骨,切割和装卸。 The objective of the Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS) is to deliver transparency within animal welfare, quality, food safety and hygiene in factories that slaughter, cut, debone, process and handle meat and meat products from pork, beef, lamb/sheep, goat and horse. The transparency is delivered through an independent certification process based on ISO/IEC 17065. Denmark is one of the leading exporters of pork products. This has given the Danish meat industry unique experience and expertise in producing safe meat for meeting the requirements of customers around the world. Based on this expertise, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, in partnership with its abattoir members and the Danish Meat Research Institute, has developed the Global Red Meat Standard (GRMS), a certification programme customised to the specific requirements applying to the red meat industry. The Global Red Meat Standard was first published in 2006.